32 Video Marketing Statistics to Boost Your Strategy

30/03/22         Author: Florencia Corazza         16 min reading

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Many people believe that video marketing statistics are not so relevant to their marketing efforts. But considering that video marketing can be a wonderful and adaptable tool to convey your message, build your brand, and convert leads into sales, you need a good video marketing strategy based on hard-backed data and benchmarks that can guide it to success. 

Here at Yum Yum Videos, we’ve gathered 32 vital video marketing statistics compiled by some of the best video marketing agencies around to help you discover how to best integrate videos into your strategy.


Table of Contents

1. A Minute of Video is Worth 1.8 Million Words.

Truth be told, that’s not entirely accurate. A minute of video is worth 1.8 million words, according to Forrester researcher Dr. James McQuivey (source). But consider how much time and effort it’d take to write 1.8 million words, let alone to read such a long text! 

Don’t you think video is much more efficient? It’s exactly the convenience of video content that makes it invaluable.


2. More Than 45% of Internet Users watch online videos.

The key to reaching your audience lies in using the channels they prefer, and what’s better than one that they’re already often exposed to? While written content is still popular, more than 45% of internet users all around the world reported watching at least one online video per month. To put things into perspective, video marketing statistics suggest that the average user is exposed to an average of 32.2 videos in a month, and 100 million internet users watch online videos every day. (source)



3. 500 Million People Watch Videos on Facebook.

The latest video marketing statistics indicate that 500 million people watch videos online each day on Facebook alone! (source) By the same token, YouTube, the leading video-sharing platform,  has about 2.3 billion monthly active users all around the world. With such huge user bases per platform, you’re sure to find your target audience out there waiting to come across your content.


4. Time Spent Watching Videos Has Increased.

Video has become an intrinsic part of our lives. So much so, in fact, that we not only watch an average of 14 minutes and 6 seconds of YouTube every day, but two-thirds of video marketing clip viewers are still watching after 30 seconds. (source) This YouTube video statistic spells good news for video marketers! It means that there has been a significant boost in people’s attention span and that they’re willing to watch longer videos.


5. The Average User Spends 16 Minutes and 49 Seconds Watching Online Video Ads.

People are spending a lot of time watching videos, but not just about the latest viral trends or cute animals. The average user spends 16 minutes and 49 seconds watching online video ads every month  (source). So, even if you decide to focus your strategy on promotional content exclusively, video marketing trends suggest that you still have a big chance of reaching your audience.


6. This Year, There Will Be 1 Million Videos Watched Per Second.

Video marketing stats show that people are actively watching video content, and it seems this won’t change any time soon. In fact, it’s been estimated that this year, there will be 1 million videos watched per second. (source) So, by harnessing the power of video, you can increase your reach exponentially.



7. Videos Helped 90% of Online Shoppers Make A Purchase Decision.

Video marketing statistics have demonstrated that videos about a product or service help 90% of online shoppers make a purchase decision and that 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it. (source)  But how does that work? Well, you can have videos that show off your products and demonstrate how to use them so viewers get a better sense of what you’re offering them. Another option is to produce videos that show happy customers to give proof of how you can improve other people’s lives. Whichever route you choose, there’s no denying that products with videos sell better than those with no videos at all!


8. 65% Of People Who View A Video Click Through To Visit The Website.

At this point, there should be little doubt about the growth of video marketing and how effective video content has become at driving leads and sales. But if you still need a bit more reinforcement, these video marketing statistics should do the trick: 65% of people who view a video click through to visit the vendor’s website, 50% look for more information, and 45% contact a vendor after seeing an online video ad. Moreover, about 50% of those who viewed an online marketing video decided to make a purchase for their business. (source)


9. 84% Of People Bought A Product After Watching A Video.

While product videos and customer testimonials are both amazing tools to boost sales, ads remain one of the most effective types of video content to convert leads. In fact, video statistics show that 84% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video (source). This sounds like promotional videos can be one of your greatest allies in bringing more sales to your business, so make this one of the video marketing statistics here you commit to your memory!



10. Real Estate That Use Video Will Increase Inquiries By 403%.

It’s not just retailers who benefit from paying attention to video marketing statistics and implementing video marketing strategies. Video content can be a great tool for any type of business owner looking to boost their conversion rates. For instance, real estate listings, including a video, will increase the number of inquiries they receive by 403% (source).


11. 75% Of Executives Watch Work-Related Videos Once A Week.

If you operate a B2B company, the following video marketing stat should set you at ease about using video to communicate with your target audience: 75% of executives have reported watching work-related videos on business websites at least once a week. Moreover, 50% of those executives watch business-related videos on YouTube, and 65% visit the marketer’s website after viewing a video. (source) Video content is not only limited to younger audiences; you can use it to reach all kinds of eyes!


12. 59% Of Senior Executives Prefer To Watch A Video Rather Than Read A Text.

We’ve mentioned before that video is easier to digest than large blocks of text, but you might be wondering, “Does video increase engagement as well”? Well, video marketing trends confirm that 59% of senior executives would rather watch a video than read a text on the same topic. (source) If you have a blog or a website with highly detailed posts, you might want to look into transforming that content into a video that’s more engaging and easier to digest.



13. 80% Of Internet Users Recall Watching A Video Ad On A Website They Visited.

Memorable ads can stick in your viewers’ minds for a long time, and video marketing trends prove it, as 80% of Internet users recall watching a video ad on a website they visited in the past 30 days (source). But what’s more important is that embedding ads on your website can encourage people to make a purchase or acquire a service. In fact, of that 80%, 46% took some action after viewing the ad.


14. The Average Internet User Will Spend 88% More Time On A Website That Has Video.

Directly related to the previous video statistic is a study that has found that if your website has video content, the average internet user will spend 88% more time on it. (source) The logic behind it is fairly simple: if your viewers can’t take their eyes off your video, they will stay on whatever website is hosting it. Embedding a video (or, even better, multiple ones!) on your website and seeing how it affects the average time on page metric is often a good way to start testing the power of this medium.


15. 64% Of Website Visitors Would Buy A Product On An Online Retail Site After Watching A Video.

Video content helps you establish emotional connections with your viewers that go a long way to help you convince them to buy what you’re offering. It’s been found that 64% of website visitors are more likely to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video. (source) Moreover, several video statistics show that appealing to emotions can also be key in improving the average time on a webpage, as visitors who watch videos stay on the site an average of 2 minutes longer than those who don’t.



16. 83% of Business Owners Use Social Media Platforms To Distribute Video Marketing Content.

One of the best ways to share your videos with your audience is through social media platforms. In fact, it’s been found that 83% of surveyed business owners stated having used social media platforms to distribute video marketing content (source). The reason behind this video marketing trend is that video content sees a lot of engagement and interaction on social media. Moreover, most algorithms favor videos, suggesting them to suitable viewers and increasing your reach!


17. Video In E-Mails Improve Click-Through Rate By 300%.

Users usually get hundreds of emails each week, so it can be hard to stand out from the crowd and get them interested enough to click your links. Fortunately, video content can help you improve underwhelming CTR stats. 

It’s been found that including a video in an introductory email can improve the click-through rate by 300% (source). So, start using video in your emails to catch your subscribers’ attention and pique their interest enough that they’ll follow your links.


18. An Explainer Video Can Increase Conversion Rates By 144%.

Even if your email isn’t an introductory one, video content can still improve CTR and overall performance metrics. It’s been found that when marketers included a marketing or explainer video in an email, the click-through rate increased by 200% to 300%. (source). Moreover, adding an explainer video to a website can increase conversion rates by as much as 144%! (source) So, if nothing else, video marketing statistics keep proving just how effective video content is when it comes to your email marketing strategy!

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19. 51% Subscriber-To-Lead Conversion Rate Increase When Video Is Included In E-Mail Campaigns.

Another big benefit of incorporating video marketing into your overall marketing strategy is that it helps improve your overall conversion rates. Video marketing statistics reports show a 51% increase in subscriber-to-lead conversion rates when video was included in an email marketing campaign. (source)



20. Video In Introductory E-Mail Reduces Opt-Outs By 75%.

Losing subscribers is often one of the major concerns you have to deal with when it comes to email marketing campaigns. The good news is that video content can help you with that! 

If you didn’t know, video marketing statistics show that including video in an introductory email reduces the number of subscriber opt-outs by 75%. (source) With such a high percentage, we believe it’s definitely worth trying it out!


21. The First 2.7 Seconds Of Video Are Key To Grab Attention.

Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Well, it’s actually a crucial video statistic. With attention spans becoming shorter each year, it’s been found that the first 2.7 seconds of a video are key in grabbing viewers’ attention and keeping them from clicking away. (source

Use these first few seconds to impress your audience by packing them with emotional, captivating, or thrilling content. Once you’ve hooked your viewers, you can actually deliver your message to them.


22. 45% Of Your Viewers Will Click Away After 1 Minute.

The previous video marketing statistic and this one go hand in hand to show the importance of adhering to ideal video lengths if you want your message to reach people. While planning the script of your video, keep in mind that 20% of your viewers will click away from a video in 10 seconds or fewer; 33% click away by 30 seconds, 45% of them by 1 minute, and almost 60% by 2 minutes. (source)

23. Mobile Users Engage 30% More With Video Than Desktop Users.

Studies show that while desktop viewers tend to stick with videos for 2 minutes or less, mobile users seem to display longer attention spans. iPhone users usually watch videos for about 2.4 minutes, whereas Android users give a video 3 minutes to engage them. Interestingly enough, iPad users have the longest attention spans of all, sticking with a web video for an average of 5 minutes. (source)  

These video statistics reveal that you can afford to make longer videos aimed at mobile users, as long as you keep in mind that their attention also tends to be fickle! Whatever trends these video marketing statistics suggest, you still need high-quality, truly interesting content if you want people to stick around!


24. 75% Of All Videos Are Being Played On Mobile Devices.

Mobile optimization is often overlooked, but video marketing trends show it can no longer be disregarded. With more than 75% of all videos being played on mobile devices (source), you need to ensure that your content is mobile-optimized to play well on your viewers’ phones. There’s nothing more annoying than a video getting cropped out in weird places and missing out on the content!



25. 87% Of Business Related Videos Are Viewed On Desktop.

While mobile viewing is here to stay, it doesn’t mean that you should ignore your desktop audience. In fact, video marketing stats show that when it comes to business-related videos, 87% of them are still viewed on a desktop computer. (source) So, keep in mind that this type of content still reigns in desktop viewing and format, and optimize it appropriately to give users a great experience with your videos.

26. Videos Generate 59% More Engagement On Average.

Video has proven time and again to be a reliable source of engagement across most industries and niches, a trend that has only increased over the past few years. In a recent study conducted by Buffer and Buzzsumo, where they analyzed over 777 million Facebook posts, they found that posts including video content generate, on average, 59% more engagement than other types of posts. (source) So, just by adding video content on any social share, you are significantly enhancing the potential scope and reach of your message.

27. 69% Of People Prefer Watching Short Videos About A Product Or Service.

The exponential growth of video marketing is in part due to how videos have become so easy to consume. But while this might make it tempting to cram in as much information as possible in each piece, video stats demonstrate that when it comes to learning about a product or service, 69% of people prefer watching short videos about them. (source) If you need to deliver a lot of information to your viewers, opt for breaking it down into a series of several shorter videos instead or focus on platforms whose audiences tend to prefer longer pieces of content.


28. 15 Second-Videos Are More Likely To Get Shared.

Well, videos that last 15 seconds are more likely to get shared than those that are 30 and 60 seconds long. (source) Video marketing statistics seem to indicate that the shorter the video, the higher the chances of it becoming viral. So, try to keep your social content around those margins if you want your followers and subscribers to share it!


29. Mobile Users Watch Up To 90% Of Vertical Video Ads.

Both the technical aspect of the production process and the platforms where you will upload your content are crucial elements you have to account for while planning your video marketing strategy

Consider this video marketing statistic: recent studies have proved that mobile users watch up to 90% of vertical video ads, compared to 14% of horizontal ones. (source) This means that the platform where most of your intended audience will consume your content will define some of the technical aspects of your video. For example, Instagram is designed to display videos vertically, whereas YouTube and Facebook are great platforms for horizontal videos.


30. 92% Of Mobile Users Watch Videos With The Sound Off.

Recent video marketing trends show that 92% of mobile users watch videos with the sound off, and 50% depend on captions to understand the content of the video. (source) This goes to show just how important silent viewing optimization is. 

With such a large number of people not turning the sound on their phones, you will lose a big segment of your audience if they can’t understand what you’re trying to tell them. So, make the most out of these video marketing statistics, and always remember to include captions!


31. 50% Of Manufacturers Improved Their YouTube Presence To Connect With Consumers Directly.

How your brand appears on YouTube will strongly influence how your target audience perceives you. Having a good channel with a decent number of useful videos will go a long way in presenting you as a knowledgeable, respectable, and reliable business in your niche.

In fact, YouTube video statistics show that 50% of manufacturers improved their YouTube presence to build their brand and connect with consumers directly. (source) If you already have a good number of videos in your arsenal, don’t miss out on the opportunity to upload them to your channel.



32. Wednesday Between 7 to 11 AM PST, Is The Best Time To Share A Video.

It might be tempting to upload and share your video as soon as it’s ready, but since producing one usually requires a lot of effort, you might want to ensure it reaches as many people as possible. With this in mind, YouTube video statistics demonstrate that popular YouTube videos are embedded, linked, or shared on Wednesdays between 7 AM-11 AM Pacific Standard in the United States. (source) Take advantage of this video marketing stat to share your video content when your audience is most active and more likely to watch it.



With these 32 video marketing statistics, it’s hard to doubt the power of video to improve your marketing strategy. So, it’s time to listen to the current data and consumer trends and apply that knowledge to overhaul your video strategy and enhance its effectiveness.

Hopefully, we’ve given you more than some useful stats that you can use to get you started on your journey. Set up your videos for success and start reaping the benefits of this incredible marketing tool!


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Florencia Corazza

Florencia Corazza – Content Writer and Co-Editor

A skilled writer, translator, and co-editor for our web and blog content. As a self-defined "wordsmith," she’s talented in adapting the latest marketing news into all kinds of digital formats. If she’s not watching the latest Sci-Fi show on Netflix, then can find her tending to her perfectly reasonable number of plants.

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