10 eLearning Video Statistics You Should Know About in 2024

11/01/21         Author: Victor Blasco         8 min reading

2D explainer video

If we are talking content marketing, one of the most effective assets in your toolbelt is educational content. Not only because you are appealing directly to your potential customer’s needs and pain points but because you’d be delivering immediately valuable and useful information to the viewer.

If you are doing it right, at least.

Don’t get me wrong; most people in the business these days have at least a notion of the compelling effect of educational videos. But not everyone understands just how effective they can be (or the appeal they command).

So, today, we are going to focus a bit less on the theory of making awesome educational videos and more on the numbers behind why you should be investing in educational content.

Numbers you can then use to improve your video marketing strategy!

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The Demand for Educational Content is on the Rise

While video has been a powerful educational tool for years now, 2020 accelerated the medium’s widespread adoption and demand. Now, in a post-pandemic world, as much as 58% of respondents reported using digital video to learn new skills (source). Moreover, the global watch time of how-to videos that include “at home” in the title has increased more than 50% year over year.

What these eLearning video statistics represent is a sharp increase in the demand for eLearning video content. One that most businesses and content creators can leverage to significantly grow their online exposure and potentially bring new eyes to their online presence, products, and other content.

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The Type of eLearning Videos You Go for Can Make a Big Difference

While eLearning videos have become much more appealing and in demand overall, different niches can benefit from different styles to varying degrees.

For example, Google searches for online courses grew by over 70% globally between the last week of March and the first week of April (source), while global YouTube watch time for lectures on spoken languages has grown more than 6X year over year.

What this means is that if you want to make the most out of a video marketing strategy built around educational content, you might want to consider branching out a bit. Maybe consider exploring new ways to tie the type of eLearning video content your audience might be interested in to the niche you operate in.

Frequency is Important, But so is Freshness

Another interesting fact about evolving trends in eLearning video consumption is that audiences seem increasingly biased toward newer content. The same Google study revealed that over 60% of signed-in viewers of YouTube on TV screens watched a video published in the last seven days.

Constant innovation and adaptation seem to be in everyone’s minds nowadays, reflecting in their content consumption pattern. While maintaining a regular schedule for uploads is a tried-and-true way to help your content marketing strategy, you might want to consider supplementing a slow and steady release stream with smaller but more frequent instances of content delivery moving forward. Especially if social media is one of your primary release channels.

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(Educational explainer video by explainer video company Yum Yum Videos.)

Consider New Platforms to Distribute your eLearning Video Content

When it comes to social media, we already know how effective our videos can be in terms of exposure and reach – and that applies to all the household names like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

However, while they might not scream “video content” at first glance, there are other platforms that are actually delivering consistently good performance in terms of reception.

Take LinkedIn, for instance. LinkedIn users are 20 times more likely to share a video they see with their community than any other type of post, and video campaigns have 82% view rates. Something you might not have expected at first glance from a primarily business and job-oriented platform.

Mobile is a Big Part of the Equation

As you work on your educational content for the year, you need to consider accommodating to an all-mobile audience – even though that might not be your first instinct when it comes to eLearning.

By January 2020, 52% of the total web traffic worldwide came from mobile devices (source). That’s right; there are more people accessing content on the internet from their phones and tablets than there are from PC.

Why is this relevant? Because you can use mobile-centric video strategies, like vertical video, to cater to mobile learners and put out content that might give you an edge due to accessibility and ease of use.

Schools Have a Big Demand for eLearning Videos

This one’s a bit more expected, but many companies and content creators seem to underestimate the scope and reach they could access by catering to learning institutions.

The most common online learning materials used in K-12 classrooms are online educational videos (source), and 45% of elementary school students said that their favorite learning methods are playing digital learning games and watching online videos.

Once more, this audience might not be a good fit for everyone, but there are certain niches that can build a robust online presence and expand by focusing on delivering quality eLearning video content for students and institutions. And that’s important because…

Video Marketing Trends

People Love Learning from Video!

eLearning video content has a consistently positive impact on learning from all ages. In fact, 91% of educational institutions agree that video increases student satisfaction (source).

Learning from texts can (and often is) challenging for some people, but the added visual and audio dimensions that video brings to the table tend to make the process easier and more appealing for most. This, in turn, makes effective educational videos intrinsically valuable for the audience that benefits from them, and that can translate into a better reception of your brand and content.

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Microlearning Seems Like a Vastly Underrated Potential Asset

When you think of eLearning, most people immediately go in their minds to the ideas of lengthy online courses, live-streamed workshops, etc. But if formats like explainer videos have taught us anything, it is that with enough talent and creativity, you can convey A LOT of information effectively in a short amount of time – and audiences love it!

Schools have found that microlearning generates 50% more engagement while reducing development costs by 50% and increasing development speed by 300% (source). Moreover, it has been reported to improve learning transfer by 17% compared to traditional learning methods.

So, if you aim to focus on educational content, just know that that doesn’t equate to longer (and often more expensive) videos!

YouTube Loves Educational Videos

How much? Well, a whopping 86% of U.S. viewers say they often use YouTube to learn new things (source). In fact, there are more learning-related videos on YouTube than books in the Library of Congress, and seven in ten YouTube viewers use the platform to help with a problem they’re having with their work, studies, or hobbies.

This suggests that not only can you reach out to a huge audience with the popular video hosting platform, but that they are eager for more eLearning video content to engage with. Even if education isn’t your primary niche, educational content can bring in a lot of new eyes to the rest of your content if done right.

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E-learning is Big in the Corporate Sector as Well

Educational content works as well if you aim to attract a more B2B audience. Actually, 90% of corporations now use e-learning on a regular basis, a stark contrast with the 4% two decades ago.

Information has inherent value to those who need it or can make use of it, and businesses can use all they can get their hands on. If your educational video strategy can appeal to corporate audiences, you are setting it for success right from the get-go.

Wrapping Up

There are plenty of good reasons why the effectiveness and demand for educational video content have been steadily growing over the past few years. The immediate delivery of value and the accessibility of these types of videos make them a valuable asset for anyone keen enough to understand how to implement them.

All in all, eLearning video content can open a lot of paths for expansion and results that your overall video marketing strategy might be sorely lacking. And judging by the numbers, 2024 might just be the perfect time to do so!

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