15 Fantastic 30-Second Explainer Videos to Get You Started

18/10/22         Author: Florencia Corazza         9 min reading

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If you want to convey your brand’s message online in the shortest time possible, then you need a 30-second explainer video. As any animated explainer video company would be able to tell you, these wonderful pieces of content are instrumental when you aim to catch your audience’s attention, build lasting relationships with them, and spark interest in your brand.

However, getting started on your own video can be difficult, and you might need some inspiration to set things in motion. That’s why I’ve compiled my favorite 15 explainer videos, both animated and live-action, to show you how startups and big brands alike take advantage of those precious 30 seconds to deliver their messages and connect with their audiences.

So, just grab a doughnut (😜), lay back, and enjoy!


1. Gravity Forms

.ss gravity forms 30 sec
(Created by Yum Yum Videos)

To start off this list, I wanted to share my favorite explainer video we’ve made. I believe this is an excellent example of how you can combine dynamic animations with beautiful graphics to keep your audience engaged while you describe your product’s or service’s utility. I also like how the brand’s colors have been incorporated into this piece to help the audience associate the content with the brand.

In this video, we presented the prospects’ main pain point and how Gravity Forms can help them with that. Then, we moved on to the solution’s main features and where to acquire it. Sounds like a lot of information for just 30 seconds, right? Well, that’s just the magic of explainer videos! They make everything simpler.


2. How to Join Fusebox Energy

.ss fusebox energy

Even though animated explainer videos’ benefits are no secret in the marketing world, some people might be unsure whether they’re the right choice for their brand’s personality and image. Rather than going over all the reasons why I believe they can, in fact, be perfect for any company, I’d like you to watch this 30-second explainer video. 

Fusebox Energy, a tech company that offers a scalable software solution to optimize electricity usage, had this piece made in a minimalist and sleek style that perfectly fits their aesthetic.


3. Internal Communications Strategy

.ss poppulo ultimate guide

Explainers are a great resource during the awareness stage of the marketing funnel because they can help prospects become aware of their pain points. Like in this video in which Poppulo helps internal communications departments realize why they need a long-term strategy. 

My favorite part about this piece is how the company encourages viewers to download their whitepaper to learn more about the topic, building curiosity while providing high value.


4. Vision Care Made Easy

.ss vision care made convenient

Animated 30-second explainer videos are not your only option because they can also be live-action! In this example, the style perfectly demonstrates how Warby Parker’s app works and how to use it.

The script is so simple and straightforward that anyone can understand the app’s basics in just — you guessed it— a few seconds. I also liked how both the live-action footage and the killer script make the message feel more authentic and relatable.


5. Call Me Out App

.ss call me out app

Capturing the viewer’s interest and attention quickly is crucial for these short pieces. I won’t lie; it can be pretty challenging to do that. That’s why I’ve decided to include this 30-second explainer video that nailed it.

The first strategy they’ve used is incorporating the presence of a celebrity. That’s bound to make anyone curious about what the video is about. The second one is the switch to stunning animations once the audience is hooked. Everything in the scene, such as the motion graphics elements and the transitions, makes the message more interesting and engaging.

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6. Borrow a Cup, Save a Cup

.ss starbucks new test

Did you know 30-second explainer videos are not only a great choice to explain how a product or service works but also to share recent innovations with your customers? In this piece, Starbucks introduces its borrow and return system and quickly shows how it works. And you know what the best part is? They do so in less than 30 seconds! 

On top of that, the company even had time to explain how the new system aligns with the brand’s mission and vision in a way that resonates with its target audience. Pretty impressive, don’t you think?


7. How Square Works

.ss square dashboard

Sometimes, the key to a successful 30-second explainer video is an effective call to action (CTA) that encourages the viewer to either go look for more information or try out your product or service. Since you don’t have much time to explain everything about your offer, you need to say just enough to pique your audience’s interest and then nudge them in the right direction to find out more.

Of course, it also helps that the company has used compelling storytelling and eye-catching visuals to deliver its message like the best explainer videos usually do.


8. Hellosign

.ss hellosign

Here’s another 30-second explainer video that does a great job with the CTA. Here, the company uses those few seconds to focus on one key advantage of the solution. This way, they can ensure their audience fully understands the message they’re trying to convey. 

At the same time, they generate curiosity and make the viewer wonder just what else they can do with Hellosign. This is when including the CTA to encourage the viewer to try it out “for free” seals the deal. There’s nothing more enticing than saving a few bucks, after all 😜.


9. PomVom

.ss pom vom 30 sec

(Created by Yum Yum Videos)

When you only have a few seconds to say your piece, you have to choose what information to focus on. For this piece, we made for our friends a PomVom, we only needed a couple of sentences to convey what the solution is and what benefits it brings. It might not sound like a lot, but with attention spans now being shorter than ever, short pieces with key information are crucial to reaching your audience and engaging them.

If you still feel there’s more you need to share with your prospects, you could always make a video series of several 30-second explainers!


10. Caterpillar Jobsite Solutions

.ss caterpillar jobsite solutions

In this fantastic 30-second explainer video, Caterpillar placed the spotlight on a specific problem they can solve for their prospects. 

Something curious about this piece is how the company describes the impact of said problem in detail rather than specifying how they can help. With this strategy, they can generate curiosity about the potential solution and direct the viewer to their website to find out more information.


11. Asana homepage got a makeover!

.ss your asana

Even though I always preach about the importance of finding a professional voiceover artist for your explainer video, I have to admit that there are times when you can do without one. In this piece, Asana takes the viewer on a tour of their new, fully customizable home page, showing them everything they can do with it.

While words are not needed for this demonstration, there are other elements at work to keep our eyes glued to the screen. First is the upbeat and catchy music that makes the video more interesting. Then, we have the simple backgrounds to keep the focus on the app’s interface and the animated transitions that make everything more visually engaging.


12. Introducing Mojo

.ss introducing mojo

Here’s another take on how to make a wonderful 30-second explainer video without a voiceover. In this example, Trace Solutions introduces its new property management software with a video that contains only text. No, I’m not kidding! 

What a voiceover artist would narrate becomes an animated text that pops in and out following the music’s beat. I don’t know about you, but I found this approach incredibly interesting and unique. This goes to show that even something simple can make a powerful impact and become memorable when it’s well executed.


13.  Order Your Food & Drinks Ahead Of Time

.ss order your food

By contrast, this 30-second explainer video follows the typical approach of framing it around all the different advantages of using the Hey You app.

The stunning animation not only makes this piece more visually attractive but also helps them picture the positive impact the solution can have on their lives.


14. Trace Solutions

.ss trace solutions

No matter the complexity of the topic you want to cover or the industry you’re in, it’s entirely possible to make a 30-second explainer video for your brand that hits all your marketing goals.

Just take a look at Trace Solutions’ example. This company is one of the leading software and services suppliers for the property management industry. Explaining how their solution can help their clients is a hundred times easier with a video than with text, as the visual aspect of explainers facilitates understanding.


15. Shop In-Store or Online

.ss ashley shop

If you’re still unsure whether you can fit your message in a 30-second marketing video, then take a look at how Ashley does it in half that time! Yes, you read that right. This furniture company quickly and succinctly goes over everything it offers, both in its in-person and online stores.

So don’t go crazy thinking about your explainer script and how you’re going to fit everything into such a short amount of time. Instead, focus on those crucial facts your audience should know to use your product or service successfully.


Wrapping Up

And there you have them! A list of 15 fantastic 30-second explainer videos that show you how to leverage those precious seconds to your advantage effectively. I’ve made sure to include a variety of styles from different industries so you can better understand all the different approaches you can take.

These videos can be effective in any marketing campaign for a wide range of purposes, so hopefully, you’ve got some good inspiration to get you confidently started on your next project!

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Florencia Corazza

Florencia Corazza – Content Writer and Co-Editor

A skilled writer, translator, and co-editor for our web and blog content. As a self-defined "wordsmith," she’s talented in adapting the latest marketing news into all kinds of digital formats. If she’s not watching the latest Sci-Fi show on Netflix, then can find her tending to her perfectly reasonable number of plants.

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